Research Activities

R&D Activities Completed during XI Five Year Plan 2007-2012

Project No.1: Creation of New Forensic Divisions and Upgradation of Existing Divisions (Modernization of CFSLs and GEsQD)

Project No.2: Expansion of Laboratory Accommodation of CFSL and GEQD at Chandigarh

Project No.3: Speaker Identification from voice over internet

Project No.4: Creation of Facility for Forensic Analysis of Gem Stones

Project No.5: Study of Ballistics phenomena of Gunshot Residue Dispersion, Bullet Residues and Bullet Impact Effect on Target Materials using High Speed Digital Camera and SEM-EDXA technique

R&D Activities Completed during X Five Year Plan 2002-2007

Project No.1: Development of Automatic Language Independent Speaker Identification System

Project No.2: Automation in Firearms Fingerprinting and Creation of a National Database

Project No.3: Creation of Neuro-Psycho-Physiological Interrogation Facilities

Project No.4: Creation of Facilities for Forensic Analysis of Audio and Video Recording Media and Development of Technique for Enhancement and Authentication of Recordings

Project No.5: Forensic Characterization of Automotive Paints

Project No.6: Creation of Computer Forensics Facilities in the CFSL, Chandigarh
